Mexican Artist Frida Kahlo works with autobiographical paintings that reflect her life story. View video to find out more about her experience and browse her surrealist inspired artworks to compare her life with her art.
Chicago collage artist Tony Fitzpatrick also uses his life experiences to inform his small mixed media pieces. He is a poet, radio personality, and well networked with producers in the film inustry. This experience lends to works that are interdisciplinary in nature because he incorporates different types of art through words and commentary on performance and literature through visual artworks. Check out this ambush documentary by The Guy on a Bike' at one of Fitzpatrick's art openings in Massachusettes. View a video of the artist speaking and his blog to read about the meaning behind his most recent collages!
Chicago collage artist Tony Fitzpatrick also uses his life experiences to inform his small mixed media pieces. He is a poet, radio personality, and well networked with producers in the film inustry. This experience lends to works that are interdisciplinary in nature because he incorporates different types of art through words and commentary on performance and literature through visual artworks. Check out this ambush documentary by The Guy on a Bike' at one of Fitzpatrick's art openings in Massachusettes. View a video of the artist speaking and his blog to read about the meaning behind his most recent collages!